Motivational Blog

The Master Key to Successful Positive Thinking

Do you want to learn a secret that can unlock the floodgates of money for you, allowing you to reach your life goals…whatever they may be…in sport, relationships, or any field you choose? Yes? Then continue reading…

What valuable possessions do you have in your life? Go ahead and mentally make a list of them right now. Let’s see… maybe you have a vehicle, a home, a plasma screen, a video game system, and so on…

Now, what do they all offer you? A home provides protection, a plasma screen and play station offers amusement, and a vehicle provides transportation… but let’s be clear about one thing. All of these goods can only assist you in the current, that is, right now. Those objects are meaningless without a present point in time. So these goods are only useful to you because we can experience the ‘right now moment in which we are living, breathing, and experiencing.

Even if someone took away your television, home, and everything else you had, you are still left with one thing. That is “this exact instant” in which we exist right now.
It is one of the few constants in our life, regardless of the situation. In fact, it may be one of the greatest blessings we have ever gotten as humans.

You may wonder how this relates to a “proven approach for life success.” Keep going; everything will become evident in a minute. But, for the time being, realize that you have just had one of the greatest gifts ever presented to you, and to think it has been there under your nose all this time.

So, take that a step further…what do you do when you acquire a new car? If you’re anything like me, you’ve undoubtedly tried it out (watching out for cameras, of course). When you purchase a new laptop, you pull it out of the box, plug it in, and start using it.

What will you do with your newfound understanding of the gift of ‘the now’?

Remember that the gift of ‘the now’ is one-of-a-kind; each moment is unique, and you will never experience it again. Shouldn’t you be more cautious about what you do with it?

If you were given a bottle of water to last you a week while you went across the desert, would you dirty it with superfluous items, dump it on the sand, or not think about how you would ration and utilize it? You would, of course. Then why are you being so irresponsible with the ‘gift of the now’ that has been so generously given to you?

When people ask me, “How do you do it all?” I feel like lashing back and shouting, ‘How do you do so little?’ since what you do with your own time is entirely up to you. No one else’s!
Herein lies the key to attaining everything you want in life. The ‘great’ individuals do it instinctively; some people just partly get this reality, while the overwhelming majority of people never come close to comprehending this one great truth.

So, what exactly is it?

….get closer…

I wish I could say it in your ear. I want you to hold it close to your chest and execute it judiciously as if it were a secret…because everyone likes a secret.

So here we go…. the key to achieving everything you want in life is:

‘The power to act RIGHT NOW.’

This is what I mean by continually taking action and doing things every day, every instant, that will help you turn your life around and make it into whatever you want it to be. Understanding and using this concept will surely arrive at where you want to go, wherever that may be, and whatever your objective may be.

However, if you choose to postpone, to put things off till tomorrow, to avoid making difficult choices, and to let yourself be formed by what society says you should be doing rather than what you genuinely want to accomplish, can you ever be truly happy with yourself? Will you ever accomplish anything in life?

Are you content to look in the mirror and say, “Yes, I’m living the life I truly want to live,” or are you wasting valuable water in the desert? Remember, you can never get it back!

I’m here to tell you that every minute is significant and valuable….at any given time, you have the capacity to transform your life beyond belief; you have more power than you understand or know. It is profoundly ingrained in your spirit, and it is via this inner talent that every one of us has the potential to achieve more than you can possibly think.

Do you not trust me? It just takes a split second of inspiration to come up with a life-changing company concept, a split-second choice to leave your job and pursue a new profession, and a glimpse across a crowded room to meet your life mate. Every day, at every moment, you have the choice of working toward your objectives or being inactive and letting life wash over you. The power of ‘the now’ is enormous, and it is accessible to all of us at all times.

Everything is feasible at all times. It’s just that most people can’t see all of the options in any given situation…they only see the ones they’re accustomed to…the daily grind…the drive to work…when it doesn’t have to be that way. Try to look beyond it, through it, and beyond…to what you want to accomplish. Then, take consistent, enormous activity toward that objective.

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