Motivational Blog

The Joy of Positive Thinking – From the Heart

There was a period when everything impacted me: job security, other people’s views, life’s empty feelings, unpleasant people, struggle, worry, and everything else you can think of. During this period of my life, I struggled every day, not knowing what the day would bring. I would brace myself for the next disaster in life, just in case it arrived, and boy did it. This was before I realized that life was intended to be lived the way you wanted. I started a path that has gotten me to where I was over fifteen years ago. I realized who I was and why I was here via trial and error and numerous life events.

I would deny my instincts and intuitions since I was raised in a strict religious household. The things I saw and felt were thought to be the devil’s instruments. I was young and perplexed. But as I grew older and realized my inner calling, I embarked on a quest for meaning in my life. This began after I was married with three small children and a spouse who shared my early religious convictions. I’d go to the library and take out metaphysical literature, self-help books, and everything else I could get my hands on. While my kids were looking for books about Peter Pan and Humpty Dumpty, I was looking for myself. When I got home, I’d conceal the books beneath the bed and read them on the bathroom floor behind closed doors. Those novels helped me to feel normal. I knew there was more to life than what I was experiencing daily.

I started looking, and everything kept leading me back to the power of thinking and sensation. I couldn’t keep my ideas to myself as I got more informed. I was overjoyed to have discovered one of the life keys. When I started discussing these ideas with my then-husband, he would give me a look that said, ‘this doesn’t jive with my views.’ This period in my life enabled me to see the life I currently have. We divorced peacefully after eighteen years of marriage, not because of differences in ideas, but because we both understood our time together was coming to an end. Lee (my now-husband), my ex, and I are still friends and have supported one other through numerous experiences.

After we divorced, I relocated from a small town to a large metropolis where I could get lost, and no one would recognize me. I could go into any bookshop and not get a sidelong look. I started associating with individuals who shared my beliefs, and I began comprehending life’s meaning. Everything returns to the importance of positive thinking and aiding one another through this magnificent game we call life.

So, what’s the point of telling you this story? It is never too late to create the life you choose. There will be ups and downs, but your positive attitudes and thoughts toward life will help you get through them. Each event provides you with more to experience, whether an apparently unpleasant or entirely wonderful experience.

Every event I’ve had in this life has shaped who I am and provided me with skills to assist others on their own path. Even the circumstances that made me ask, “Why me?” provided me with insight that I still use today. Finding the good in any bad and the positive in any positive has provided me with a colorful existence. Every risk I’ve made has pointed me on the right path. Every event placed me on a path where I could choose whether or not to go. Every experience is valuable for learning. Yes, even those encounters.

Positive thinking has altered my personality. It assisted me in accepting who I am with all of my talents and shortcomings, and I am always seeking to find a positive outlook on everything. And if I can’t find good thinking in a scenario, I let it go, knowing I’ll discover the solution later.

Positive thinking has helped me understand other people and keep moving toward my objectives, knowing full well that by keeping my sight on what I want in my life, the Universe will always provide it to me in some shape or another. It doesn’t always feel better than the initial aim, but when I look back, I understand it was the best option for what I was asking for.

If I have any reservations about life, I surrender them to the Universe. I know it will be taken care of, and the solution will be in some strange and amazing shape. Of course, when I depend on the unorthodox, it traditionally returns to me. The Universe always surprises me, and I’ve discovered that I’m starting to like them. The experience of appreciating surprise demonstrated that I had let go of control…yet another opportunity for development and learning. Amazing!

Being cheerful has been the finest choice I’ve ever made. To live a life ‘in the present,’ savoring every moment while remaining focused on what I want in life. Positive thinking has transformed me into someone I like, someone who embraces people for who they really are on the inside. Happy thinking has improved my life, and the byproducts of positive thinking and sentiments surround me. Through positive thinking, I discovered Lee, I had a delightful ten-year-old who was a miracle (I was not supposed to be able to have another kid given my medical condition at the time), and life is exactly as I wanted it to be. How am I finding my life these days? Beautiful surprises, wonderful people, and joyful anticipation. It doesn’t get much better than that…oh wait…it does!!

Remember what a great instructor once said: “Don’t die with the music still in you.” Positive thinking may help you move your life in the direction you want. It’s a genuinely amazing, life-changing adventure.

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