Stress. It takes many forms, and we all have some experience with it. Most people believe that stress is “bad” for us, although this isn’t necessarily the case. We all need some level of stress to keep healthy and robust. When we experience too much of the incorrect type of stress, our bodies and brains suffer.

Although there are six basic forms of stress (physical, chemical, electromagnetic, mental, nutritional, and thermal), this article will concentrate on mental stress, often known as psychic stress. Psychic stress, like any other kind, has positive and negative aspects that must be managed.

The Good and the Bad of Psychic (Mental) Stress

Positive psychological stress is essential; without it, our brains would never grow properly. Positive types of psychological stress include:

  • Thinking and utilizing your mind constructively.
  • Have a plan or create objectives in your life.
  • Making an effort to reach these goals.

Another example of “positive” psychological stress is overcoming hardship to become a better and healthier person.

A classic example of “poor” psychological tension is when we concentrate on what we do not want in life rather than what we do want. Others’ verbal abuse, being hurried in our responsibilities or taking on more work and responsibility than we can manage all contribute to harmful psychological stress. This tension may sometimes immobilize us, preventing us from living full, healthy, and happy lives.

Stress Reduction

To achieve Harmony and balance, we must treat our bodies holistically and confront (rather than ignore) stresses in our lives. You must take the following strategies to handle stress in your life:

  1. Determine the Primary Stressor
  2. Make a Strategy
  3. Eat and drink following your body type.
  4. Exercise and Move!
  5. Practice Mental Exercises

Numbers 1-4 will be addressed later since this post focuses on psychological stress. For the time being, let’s concentrate on step 5: Mental exercises should be done.

Subconscious Mind vs. Conscious Mind

To understand how to recover control over psychological tension, it is necessary to first grasp how our thoughts work. One of our most valuable things is our mind, which is separated into two levels: conscious and subconscious. The conscious, or reasonable level, governs around 5-8 percent of our ideas throughout the day, while the subconscious, or illogical level, controls roughly 95 percent of our thoughts. As a result, the subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious, often known as the creative mind, is the source of all your emotions.

Adopt a Positive Attitude and Thinking Style

Did you know that 90% to 95% of our thoughts throughout the day are negative? This suggests that just 5-10% of our thoughts are good each day. This is a lot of time spent on unhealthy thinking and very little on good thinking. We must rebalance this scale, take action, and adopt a good attitude and style of thinking to experience healthy psychological stress.

A lot may be said about optimistic thinking. “You’re a living magnet, and you unavoidably attract into your life the people, events, ideas, and resources that are in accord with your prevailing thinking,” says Brian Tracy, author of The Luck Factor.

Peace of mind and a healthy body are nearly guaranteed once you start thinking and feeling properly. The nature of the concept or idea in your conscious mind will impact the reaction and/or response you get from your subconscious mind. When your subconscious accepts an idea, it will carry it out regardless of whether the concept is favorable or bad.

Think Harmony, and You’ll Get Harmony.

Your conscious mind’s habitual thinking creates profound patterns in your subconscious mind. If the bulk of your thoughts is harmonious, peaceful, and constructive, your subconscious mind will react by producing harmonious, peaceful, and constructive surroundings. If your regular ideas are harmful, your subconscious mind will react by drowning out the good thoughts, resulting in unhealthy and less-than-ideal / desired circumstances.

Whatever position we find ourselves in, our first instinct is to “digest” the issue negatively, and then maybe or maybe not, a positive will follow. Because this is how our brains are wired, you should endeavor to intentionally align your thoughts, words, and actions with your objectives. Consider and discuss what you want rather than what you don’t want. This will assist in increasing emotional and good energy while decreasing stress in your life.

The Difficulty

As an emotional and lifestyle coach, I encourage you to follow your instincts and participate in the “positive mental attitude challenge.” This activity will assist you in your quest for balance and Harmony in your life. It can be done anywhere: at home, in the vehicle, at work, at the gym, at a social gathering, and so on.

The challenge: Mindfulness and positive thinking:

I’d want you to address negative thoughts and instantly counter them with a good thought and/or affirmation. This is something I want you to do throughout the day.

For example, suppose you’re driving home from work one day this week and get stuck in rush hour traffic. You may be fatigued after a long day and/or eager to go home to friends and family right now. Just thinking about your current condition might cause emotional negative such as tension, worry, or wrath. To make things worse, maybe a vehicle two lanes over dashes through traffic, cutting you off and leaving you stranded.

It is normal for anything like this to elicit negative emotions such as, “That idiot just interrupted me. I’d still be moving if it weren’t for him!” “That’s terrific, but now I’ll be late for supper!” If this is the case, rather than feeding off your bad feelings, I want you to face these negative ideas and change them into good ones. For example, you may remark, “Although this individual cut me off, at least it allows me some time to listen to my favorite radio station,” or “This traffic is horrible, but at least I have a few more minutes to decompress by myself before I arrive home to my family.”

For a week, do this workout. Use it in all aspects of your life: personal, social, and professional. If you remain loyal, you will eventually reach a point where you will naturally begin to substitute your negative ideas for good ones, and you will most likely see a major improvement in all parts of your life. You will remodel your subconscious mind for harmonious ideas and sentiments to penetrate your conscious mind and become a reality.

You will be more likely to establish harmonic balance inside yourself if you load each side of the scale equally (positive and negative). You’ll become more aware, open-minded, and less judgemental. If you dismiss the bad, you will get imprisoned in denial. Remember that what we oppose endures. The objective is to eliminate negative ideas so that you may create and support emotional and physical health, rebuild self-confidence, reclaim a healthy, positive mental attitude, and experience sensations of well-being.

Go ahead and give it a go. Remember to write down any negative ideas, no matter how little or large, and come back to me with your findings.

You are your own primary care physician.

You must constantly remind yourself that you are your own primary care physician. You have your hands on the emotional health and well-being steering wheel. You have the power to bring freedom and pleasure into your own life. It is just a question of exploring yourself and tapping into this inner knowledge to gain empowerment. Take charge of your health to flourish in emotional stability and happiness.

If you’re in excellent health,

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