Do you know, The strongest motivation in this world is rejection. If one day you are not rejected by your employer, your loved ones, your friends, you are really lucky, then you are lucky enough not to have the worst experience in this world. According to psychiatrists, being rejected by someone or something very important to us and that mental breakdown is like physical pain. It’s hard to bear. There is no pain in this world that can be compared to that pain. There is no one who has the knowledge to explain that pain. But if you’ve faced that experience and struggled with the worst days of your life, you’re proud of yourself. Because now you know how to survive. You now know how to overcome life’s problems and overcome them. But someone who has never had this experience loses the strangest experience of his life.

Did you know that everything in this life can be divided into two parts? Things we can control and things we can’t control. There is no problem with things we can control. But what do we do about things we can’t control? We need to change the way we respond to them. Then you will no longer be afraid of rejection.

Have you heard of inner peace? It is one of the most precious things in the world. It is one of the greatest mental states you can develop in this world. Build a strong, peaceful inner peace that is free from any external influences. The rejection of this inner peace as you progress will make your life a blessing. People who rejected you will come back to you. People who underestimate you will start reading jokes about you.

The best motivation is rejection – People who have conquered the world

Motivation is rejection
Katy Perry – American Singer – Songwriter

Katy Perry is a beautiful American singer. Her boyfriend is Russell Brand, and they were married in 2010. The whole of Hollywood loved them. But after a year of marriage, RussellBrand unexpectedly asks Katyperry for a divorce. A few minutes before Katty attends a Big concert, Russell sends a text message asking for a divorce. Russell sends a text message asking for a divorce. Katie’s friend, who was nearby at the time, told Katie: Number one, “If you want at this time you can cancel this show”. Number two is “Or you can make your best presentation today”. Yes, you thought right, Katty picks her second chance. She did not turn back. She walks to the stage with tears in her eyes, her chest tightening with pain. Instead of regretting the rejection, she does her best to perform.

Over time, she has set revenue records on her own in Hollywood. She once told the media that her husband had never spoken to her about divorce before receiving the text message. Instead of blaming her boyfriend for her pain, she found a way to fix it. She proved that the best motivation is rejection.

Twenty-seven-year-old Meryl Streep wanted to be a movie actress. She participates in the screening of the movie king kong. The cast of the film tells her that she is too ugly for that character. Her dream was acting. Do you think she gave up trying? Today, she is the only actress to be nominated for the highest number of Academy Awards globally. Today she is Hollywood superstar Meryl Streep.

People said Oprah Winfrey’s black fat face didn’t fit on the TV screen. But she did not stop. She is currently the highest paid, most loved and respected TV presenter in the world.
Steve Jobs left his own company in 1985, but he did not give up hope. He started a new business. Everything lost was regained. He was initially rejected not only by Apple. According to him, when he is born into this world, he faces a big problem. Because when he was born, his parents left him to be adopted by another couple.

Walt Disney rejects him for not being creative enough. He does not give up trying and starts from the beginning.

Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. He, too, has failed several times in the past. Eventually, he even sells his business. He took the most significant risk a man in the world could make to make his dream come true. He sells his company for $ 165 million. Instead of buying a big house or a car with that money, he invests all that money in various businesses. Later he lived in a small rented house. Today he is the owner of Tesla SpaceX and the richest man in the world.

All this happened because of a strong desire and desire to make dreams come true. You have to work with great dedication to make your dreams come true. But only one in a million has that strong commitment and need.
Twelve book publishers rejected J.K Rowling. The majority of those who read her books laughed at her and her ideas. But she did not give up her need, and she worked harder for it. The best motivation is rejection – Her efforts make her the most prosperous author in the world.

Most of the people in this world are the ones who have collapsed to the maximum in their lives. Some turn life’s breakdowns into excuses, while others turn them into motivations. No one can ever stop those people. Despite losing a thousand times, I keep trying to get what I want. Those are the people who change history. Remember that Thomas Alva Edison succeeds for the thousandth time.
An older man lived to the age of 65 with various rejections of life. Until he was 65, he was experimenting with new things. At the age of 65, he joined the world-famous KFC. Found.

It is never too late to work on a new dream. Only some people think so differently. They successfully endure rejection and triumph
Don’t give up on what you love no matter what. Eliminate the fear of rejection. Remember that you have nothing to lose. Everyone born into this world has nothing strange to lose.

Indian Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is rejecting her long-time beloved boyfriend. Now imagine that the most beautiful people also dismissed. If you think you are not attractive enough, you are wrong. Everyone has an inherent beauty. But it is not visible to everyone. If you believe you are good enough, you’re wrong. You are right, but do not ruin your good for those who do not see your interest. You, try to live the way you are. Know your good existence as well as your lousy existence and identify who is staying with you.

Most of the time, your enemy is not outside. Your mind is inside. You are reducing your healthy thoughts, setting boundaries for yourself, and blaming others instead of taking responsibility. These are your enemies. There is only one way to control this fear and weakness. You start working for yourself. That is how you should handle the enemy in your mind. Make sure you do all the little things precisely during the day. Become someone who takes care of one another, not one who is dependent on another. Be someone who loves the whole world even if no one loves him.

The best motivation is rejection. Good luck

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