There is a mind on one level and an emotional body on another. However, because these are two traits that all humans have does not imply that everyone embraces both.

There will be those individuals who are entirely associated with their thoughts, and it will be difficult for them to connect with how they feel. At the same time, there will be those in touch with their emotions yet unable to think coherently.

The Perfect

It may be argued that the ideal situation would be for someone to embrace both of these elements, allowing them to operate as a full human being. They will be able to not only think about but actually experience life as a result.

Being in touch with oneself will offer them a better opportunity of living a fulfilled life. Because they would no longer be living on their surface, it will become natural for them to embrace life.

The Mind’s Intelligence

When someone utilizes their intelligence, they may be able to take a step back and think about what is going on in their lives. Along with this, individuals may reflect on their lives and consider if they are doing the correct thing, for example.

However, if they cannot detach from their experience, this may indicate that they need to work on this aspect of themselves. Without this capacity, one might get engrossed in their thoughts and see them as a problem.


However, just because someone’s mind is out of control does not imply that there is a problem. It most likely means that they haven’t taken the time to comprehend their own thinking, which is most likely due to never having been shown.

This is not to suggest that it is up to others to show them that they are not accountable for their own minds; rather, it is reasonable to expect others to educate them about themselves. For example, if one is educated by the system, they are more likely to seek medical attention if they ever have a health concern.


This might lead to someone relying on others for information rather than taking the initiative. Authority persons are therefore seen as experts, and one may question their own abilities to not just teach but even comprehend themselves.

Years spent in the educational system might also discourage people from studying. However, if someone has a strong desire to learn anything, they will most likely discover a method, and it will then be up to them to put in the effort.

It’s Worth the Effort

The work required to be able to monitor their thoughts will be worthwhile in the end since they will no longer be slaves to their thinking. This might be something they can do by meditating daily, for example.

However, if a person can simply watch and cannot feel, their existence is unlikely to be particularly rewarding. In this situation, they may be compared to an athlete who is always on the sidelines and unable to participate in what is going on.

Body Emotional

Without the capacity to feel, one will not be able to feel alive, and this part of them will also play a crucial role in determining whether or not they are on the correct course. Being able to take a step back and reflect is one thing, but they may only go so far if they are disconnected from their feelings.

The feedback from their sentiments will offer them the necessary insight into what is essential to them. If they are on the incorrect path, their emotions will quickly tell them.

Both Parties

When someone is in touch with their emotions, they are in touch with both ends of the emotional spectrum. They will be not only able to feel very wonderful, but also extremely awful.

This is because one cannot exist without the other; the only way to prevent feeling awful would be to lose the ability to feel happy. But just because someone may enjoy both ends of the emotional spectrum doesn’t mean they have to be governed by them.

Emotional Control

When people retain their emotional experiences, they may accept how they feel. They may use this skill to not just pay attention to what is going on in their thoughts but also to accept what is happening in their body.

Each aspect is recognized, and they no longer need to reject what is happening inside them. This is not to mean that they will always confront how they feel or that they will always be able to face their emotions on their own, but they will also not have a practice of ignoring how they feel.

Inner Peace

They are more likely to feel at one with their mind and body if they can embrace what is happening inside them rather than perceiving their body as separate. This is not to claim that these two halves will always agree; rather, they will not have to disregard a part of themselves.

If they have an ‘unfavorable’ feeling, they might investigate why it has occurred. This method allows individuals to cope with the conflict inside themselves and prevents it from consuming their lives.

Thinking Positively

If someone needs to appear ‘positive,’ they may avoid their ‘bad’ sentiments. This might lead to them disconnecting from their ‘negative’ and ‘good’ sentiments.

Consequently, people may have feelings of separation from their bodies, and it is natural for them to suffer inner turmoil. They may be able to ignore how they feel at first without too many issues, but this is likely to alter with time.

Internal Conflict

On the one hand, people may feel the urge to experience something, but on the other, they may encounter inner reluctance. Or they may be attracted to unhealthy individuals and then wonder why.

They may have been aware of why their body is reacting in this manner at one point in time. However, if they lose touch with their emotions, they will be unable to comprehend what is happening.


If people need to improve their capacity to control their emotional experience rather than rejecting how they feel, they may benefit from working with a therapist. This might be when they digest the feelings they have been avoiding.

They may begin to strengthen their emotional strength as a result of this and the therapist’s favorable respect. They will, after that, be able to operate as whole human beings.

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