I recall being in terrific condition when I was younger without needing to exercise or manage my nutrition. I was in decent condition. I also recall how life was simpler, and the stress level was nearly non-existent.

After a few years, I’ve realized that I need to exercise consistently, control my nutrition, and concentrate on keeping some stress in “check” before it gets out of hand.

It is true that as time passes, the environment, knowledge, and behaviors we are exposed to, particularly if they are unfavorable, may significantly impact us in a variety of ways.

So, we must take action to counteract some of the negative impacts.

If we are not eating properly and are gaining weight, we should begin an exercise regimen and concentrate on improving our nutrition. If we are continually exposed to stress from work, others throwing their issues on us, unhealthy habits, and listening to the terrible news in the media, we must introduce good influences to our lives to counteract the negativity.

Begin Practicing Positive Thinking

To keep a happy attitude, we must practice positive thinking to prevent negative influences from taking over our ideas. We must also learn to regulate our negative inner ideas, which arise from time to time.

Is it enough to just read a motivating book and listen to motivational CDs? Perhaps, perhaps not, but it’s a start. But, to significantly influence your attitude and generate some strong positive thinking, you must go deeper.

T. Harv Eker’s book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind was published less than a year ago. The book discussed mastering your inner game. Our views, whether good or harmful, are a direct product of our childhood experiences and the knowledge instilled in us.

When I completed the book, I still didn’t comprehend it. I just felt it was a nice read and really motivating.

This is My A-Ha Moment!

I ultimately realized this: it doesn’t matter how much good content I read or how hard I try to maintain a happy mentality if I don’t address my subconscious beliefs.

So let me take a step back and explain how I came to fully comprehend what Mr. Eker said in his book on the subconscious mind and the importance of affirmations.

By the way, Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich book also covers this. Here’s how everything came together for me. I have started working on the reference materials for the Rich Dad education program.

A portion of the materials discusses the power of your subconscious mind and how it may operate for or against you. During this study, you will be asked several questions.

The questions are focused on your early experiences and the lessons you gained from your parents, peers, or anybody else who impacted you significantly. The questions revolve around what was implanted in your subconscious mind throughout that formative period of your life. I was rather surprised when I started to answer some of the questions honestly and dug deep into my memory to answer those questions.

My tale concludes that if someone has laid out a plan for you to follow, FOLLOW IT! It took me three novels to fully comprehend what the first book was saying to me. I did, however, get a lot from each of them. When it comes to exceptional value, more is always better.

Establishing a Level Playing Field

It was more of a mental change than a positive outlook that I needed. It is not enough to read motivating literature and strive to be optimistic. You must dig deeper if you actually want to develop an invincible attitude, become nine feet tall, and be bulletproof.

You must enter your subconscious mind and remove the established thoughts holding you back.

You will always lose if you do not confront those beliefs because your subconscious will always win. When you remove the beliefs holding you back, you will have established a fair playing field. With an equal playing field, ingraining good information into your mind becomes more successful.

Every day, keep the positive information fresh.

Given all of the bad information we are exposed to daily, we must drain some of it while keeping the good information in.

So, how can you silence the negative voices in your head? One of the finest things to do is to keep adding good information. Read as many books as you can, listen to as much encouragement as possible, and surround yourself with motivated individuals with a good attitude. Allow some of that energy to permeate you. Then go out and inspire others. You will not only benefit someone else, but you will also reinforce your own views.

Just like an athlete works his buttocks out in preparation for the big game, we must work our buttocks off to develop a robust attitude that can shrug off any negative effects.

How Do You Support Your Beliefs?

Now that you’ve established a fair playing field, you can constantly flood your mind with positive knowledge and emotional affirmations. Attaching emotions to your affirmations will result in strong rock beliefs. Once you have those unbreakable convictions, you may chart a route in your life to achieve your objectives.

I realize my description of this process is pretty generic, but there are many studies on this topic that you may look into to understand how it works. As an MLM entrepreneur aiming to establish an empire, having an invincible attitude is very beneficial. However, it is a process that must be worked on every day.

It’s not something you practice for a month or two and then believe you’ve mastered the requisite attitude for the rest of your life. We must continue to modify and fine-tune ourselves as we are bombarded with new events throughout our lives.

Obtain the Required Blueprint to Accelerate Your Success

Look for blueprints made by individuals who had gone before you and acquired the attitude you want. Continue to add strength training and knowledge to broaden your thoughts and thinking. Continue to practice your positive thinking skills by attending training webinars or seminars. Join a mastermind group to help you increase creativity in your thinking process.

Get your hands on effective training materials from people who have fine-tuned it and have been kind enough to provide us with a blueprint to follow. For example, consider Mike Dillard, who has built an empire and is sharing his ideas and tactics. All we need to do is adopt the attitude of following the plan.

Numerous more leaders have built empires based on the attitude they established in their field of competence. It is feasible for every one of us to attain success if we commit time to nurture and develop our thinking.

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